Faith Lutheran Youth's purpose:

    • Every FLY activity will help you GROW in your faith and relationships with others.
    • There are countless ways to CONNECT with God and other youth in FLY.
    • God has called us to SERVE others, reflecting Christ to people in need.


Thank you...

-To everyone who attended and brought friends to Sunday Night FLY this past year!  It was an EPIC year of growing together in our relationship with Jesus and with our friends!

Summer Fellowship Opportunity!

This summer, FLY is meeting at church (instead of Dunkin’) throughout the summer from 9:45-10:40am! We are looking for families to bring some food for the youth group (e.g. breakfast pizza, cereal, donuts, etc…). Sign-up on the FLY bulletin board today. Thanks!

Youth-led Worship Service – July 21 @ 10am under Faith’s Pavilion

Our workcampers will be leading an outdoor, combined worship service on Sunday, July 21st @ 10am. Our focus will be the workcamp theme of “Influencer” based on six different passages of Scripture. Join us for worship!

Workcamp Sponsorship Picnic – July 21 @ Noon under Faith’s Pavilion

Sponsors and othe Faith members are invited to a delicious Sponsorship Picnic on Sunday, July 21st at Noon under the pavilion at Faith. After lunch, our workcampers will be sharing pictures and stories from their mission trip in Erie!  

FLY Internship Opportunity!

Have you ever wanted to serve and grow as a Christian leader in FLY? Are you interested in leading Bible studies or planning FLY events? If so, pray about applying to be a FLY Intern for 6 months starting this September or next March. Pastor Peter and the Youth Advisors want to provide high school youth leadership opportunities to grow in their God-given gifts and abilities. Additional details can be found in the internship application here.  Application deadline is July 31st. Talk to Pastor Peter if you have any questions. Or talk to our current interns for their insights: Madison Deutsch & Hailey Keller.

FLY Hang Times are back!

Come connect with your friends at our FLY Hang Time this summer! Each Hang Time will take place from 12:30-2pm (Dates: Aug. 11 & 25; Location: TBA). Open to all youth entering 7th grade through college students.


*Save the Date: Tuesday, Sept. 10 will be our annual FLY Info Meeting

 **7th grade students & parents are invited to attend – other FLYers can attend, too.  

Experience Vacation Bible School!

July 29-Aug. 2 from 9am-Noon

Incoming 7th & 8th grade students - Register Here to be part of our AWESOME Jr. FLY VBS Class!

Incoming 9th-12th grade students - Register Here to volunteer & help lead VBS!

2025 National Youth Gathering in New Orleans, Louisiana

In July of 2025, FLY will be joining 18,000 other Lutheran teens from all over the world in New Orleans, LA for the National Youth Gathering! The Gathering is held every three years and is an AWESOME, life-changing experience! The week is filled with incredible worship, insightful speakers, amazing service opportunities, and great memories made with other Christians!


-NYG is open to youth entering 8th grade this fall through 20 year olds. 

-The total cost of the trip will be around $1400 per youth, but money can be raised if you participate in our FLY FUNdraisers this coming school year! 

-Starting Aug. 1, Youth & Adult Applications will be available in the Faith Concourse and online and will be due by Sunday, Sept. 30, 2024.

-There will be a Gathering Info Meeting on Sun, Sept. 15 @ Noon in the FLY Room for everyone interested in attending the Gathering.

Please pray about this great opportunity! Talk to Pastor Peter if you have any questions!  

JOIN FLY’s Text-based Communication Service!

Sign-up to receive reminders, announcements, and other info about upcoming FLY events right to your phone here: and join this class: flyouth.

*For more info about these and other FLY events, please contact Pastor Peter Johnson or check out the FLY page in our church newsletter here.

Fill out the online 2023-24 FLY Contact Form/Activity Participation Form HERE

Sunday night fly

Youth in grades 7-12 meet on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month from 7-8:45pm in the FLY Room from Sept-June!  We worship together, read God’s Word, talk in small groups, play large group games, eat lots of food, and more!  The nightly topics are always relevant for teens as we grow together in our relationships with God & others.  The FLY Café is open from 6:30-9 where youth can purchase candy, soda, t-shirts, and other FLY merch. (Popcorn is always FREE!)  Spin the Birthday Wheel for a fun birthday surprise!  The Nintendo Switch, air hockey, and foosball games can be played before and after Sunday Night FLY.  Friends are always welcome!

 *This year’s SNFLY Challenge: If 50 youth attend, we’ll enjoy FREE Moe's burritos at SNFLY!

Watch the Sunday Night FLY promo here

Watch the Color Wars Highlights here

Watch the 2023 Mystery Highlights here

Watch the 2024 Mystery Night promo here

Upcoming Sunday Night FLY's:

Sept. 8 - KICK-OFF!


7th & 8th Gr. Confirmation

7th and 8th grade confirmation class meets on Sundays (9:45-10:40am).  The class meets in Room 204 with Pastor Peter and Meredith Tindall throughout the school year.


Youth can serve in many different roles on Sunday mornings at Faith (ushers, readers, greeters, acolytes, crucifers, Livestream producers, Nursery assistants, and Kids' Time assistants).  You can sign-up online here if you'd like to serve in one of these ways.  If you don't see a role on the online sign-up, please contact Elizabeth Balentine as some of these roles are assigned on a rotation basis.  Thank you for serving God's church!

**Acolyte & Crucifer Training Videos can be found online here.


2023-24 Class Syllabus

*Sermon Notes Form

*Service Hours Form

*15 sermon notes & 15 service hours are due by May 1, 2024. Sermon notes are located on the shelf near the sanctuary doors.

Listen to sermons online here.


Click here to download a lesson PowerPoint.

9th Gr. Confirmation

During the fall of their 9th grade year, confirmands will complete their confirmation journey.

Confirmands will work on their Faith Art & Faith Statement projects which will be completed in September 2024.  The 2024 project syllabus can be downloaded here. The projects will be presented during worship on a pre-determined date.

The Rite of Confirmation is scheduled for Oct. 20, 2024 at the 10:00 combined worship service.

Youth Mission Trips

Summer Work Camp

Youth in high school and college serve on week-long mission trips throughout the country every summer FLY doesn't attend a National Youth Gathering. FLY partners with Group Mission Trips to repair homes and share the love of Jesus with home-owners.  In 2023, 18 FLYers served with other youth groups in Wilmington, DE for a Group Work Camp.  We can't wait to serve with Group Mission Trips in Erie, PA in the summer of 2024!

Download the 2024 Summer Mission Trip Info Packet Here!

Contact Pastor Peter if you're interested in going on a summer mission trip.


In July of 2022, 19 FLYers and 5 adults joined 18,000 other Lutheran teens from all over the world in Houston, Texas for the Youth Gathering!  The Gathering is held every three years and is an AWESOME experience!  The week is filled with incredible worship, insightful speakers, amazing service opportunities, and great memories made with other Christians!

Many thanks to everyone who supported and prayed for our team as they experienced "In All Things!'

Join us in New Orleans in 2025!


-NYG is open to youth entering 8th grade this fall through 20 year olds. 

-The total cost of the trip will be around $1400 per youth, but money can be raised if you participate in our FLY FUNdraisers this coming school year! 

-Starting Aug. 1, Youth & Adult Applications will be available in the Faith Concourse and online and will be due by Sunday, Sept. 30, 2024.

-There will be a Gathering Info Meeting on Sun, Sept. 15 @ Noon in the FLY Room for everyone interested in attending the Gathering.

Please pray about this great opportunity! Talk to Pastor Peter if you have any questions! 

Watch the 2025 Gathering Promo!

Watch a highlight video from the 2022 Gathering!

Watch a highlight video from the 2019 Gathering!

More info about the Gathering can be found online here:

You're finished with high school... now what?! 

While you'll always be a FLYer, we recognize that your needs are different than a high schooler. This group... this ministry is for you.  Expect to be encouraged in your faith journey through discussions & Bible studies, hang out with other young adults, and help plan future events for young adults. 

Be part of this ministry by joining our FLY Young Adults Facebook group or our FLY Young Adults Instagram.

Please direct all questions to McKayla Nolan or Pastor Peter Johnson.



Pastor Peter Johnson

Office #: (585)381-3970 x16   Email:

Youth Interns

Madison Deutsch

Hailey Keller

Youth Advisors

Cris Alello

Vince Alello

Stephanie Johnson

John Keller

Jolynn Keller

Kim Nadritch

McKayla Nolan

Mari-Beth Schembri

Elizabeth Young

FLY Registrar

Jolynn Keller






