Led by Pastor Peter & other Leaders in the Auditorium
Facilitator: Donna Kaser
When: Tuesdays @ 6:30pm
Meeting Place: Community Room
Facilitator: Rae Usinger & Barb Riethmeier
When: Bi-yearly
Meeting Place: Church Library
Facilitator: Mark & Rita Harstad
When: One Saturday per month from 11:30am-1pm (w/ lunch & babysitting included)
Meeting Place: FLY Room & Nursery
Facilitator: Cris Alello
When: First Sunday of the month from 7-8:30pm
Meeting Place: FLY Room
Facilitator: Bob Freitag
When: 1st & 3rd Sundays @ 6pm
Meeting Place: Various Homes or Faith
Facilitator: Donna Kaser
When: Lunch Gatherings on Second Friday of the month at 11:30am at various restaurants.
Facilitator: Bruce Kulp
When: First Tuesday of the month at 7am
Meeting Place: Browncroft Diner
When: Tuesdays at 10am
Meeting Place: AMF Fairview Lanes in Fairport
Leader: Sue Hutchings
When: Second Monday of the month @ 1:30pm
Meeting Place: Room 204
Leaders: Laurie Ebbecke and Karen Wright
When: 2nd Thursday of the month @ 11:30am
Meeting Place: Room 204
Leader: Pete Schultz
When: First Monday of the month
Meeting Place: Faith
Leader: Pastor Peter & Bob Freitag
When: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 1pm
Meeting Place: Chapel at The Addison at Willow Pond
Contact the Church Office for more info or if you’d like to start a Small Group!
This fellowship group meets once a month for a different activity. Activities may include: hiking, game night, chili cook-off, river cruise, and much more!
Check the monthly newsletter called Faith Notes for more info about this month’s activity.
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