

At Faith we are blessed with so many people that make up our music program. It is because of these willing volunteers that we are able to put together so many groups to glorify our Lord. Below you will find descriptions for each musical group that we offer.

Please feel free to contact Dianne (Director of Music) or Elizabeth (Coordinator of Contemporary Music) if you have any questions.

Youth & Adult Vocal Groups

This choir is composed of people high school age and older who enjoy singing to the glory of God. The choir rehearses and sings music of a variety of styles on a weekly basis, usually at the 8:30 traditional service. In addition, the choir enjoys preparing for special musical events during the year. If you are new to singing in a choir, extra help is available if needed. We also gather for social events throughout the year and enjoy regular fellowship together.

Rehearsals: Wednesdays, 7:30-9:00pm. September to June.

This choir is composed of youth in grades 7-12 who are part of Faith Lutheran Youth (FLY).  The choir sings music periodically throughout the year.

Rehearsals: 2nd & 4th Sundays, 6-7pm, September to June.

These choruses are for people in high school on up. These groups sing periodically throughout the year. These are “pick up” groups for people who are interested in singing but can’t make a large commitment.

Rehearsals: Scheduled separately for each individual opportunity (2 or 3 rehearsals).

The Praise Teams are composed of singers and instrumentalists in high school on up who lead the music in the 10:45 contemporary service. Each team gathers on Sundays at 9:30am to setup equipment, rehearse, and sound-check before the worship service. The Praise Team members meet together one Friday per month for dinner, fellowship, and rehearsal.

Rehearsals: One Friday per month for everyone. Sundays at 9:30am for individual teams.

Instrumental Groups

Bell Choir

This group of adults has a strong emphasis on teamwork. Our bell choir typically ring Level 3 & 4 music on our 5 octave set of Schulmerich handbells. This group plays for occasional Sunday morning worship services and for special musical events throughout the year.

Rehearsals: Tuesdays, 7:30-9:00pm.

Instrumentalists and Soloists

Various instruments and voices of all ages are used for choral and congregational accompaniment, and for special musical offerings, in both the traditional and contemporary services.

Audio/Visual Support

Powerpoint Clickers

These volunteers run the power point projection for both the traditional and contemporary worship services.

Sound Crew

These volunteers set up, manage, and break down the sound equipment for our worship services.

Livestream Producers

All of our worship services are livestreamed online and the livestream is produced by a group of youth and adult volunteers.

*Contact Elizabeth if you’re interested in volunteering!