Service & Caring

Service Groups

Caring Ministries

Stephen Ministry

Faith’s Stephen Ministers gather in two ways. First is the one-to-one gathering of the Stephen Minister and the care receiver, with the purpose of supporting the care receiver, who is dealing with a significant life transition. This relationship is private, confidential, and safe. The second kind of gathering brings the Stephen Ministers together. These monthly meetings are also private, confidential, and safe, but the intent is to support the Stephen Minister. A question frequently asked at these meetings is, “How can we support you in your Stephen Ministry?” Names of care receivers are NEVER revealed, and confidentiality is fiercely protected. We gather because we can’t alway “go it alone.” We gather because Christ often chooses to work through His people. We gather because God’s love is meant to be shared. If this is the time for you to talk, a Stephen Minister is waiting to listen with you. Call Nancy Hammond (381-6968) or Jackie Welk (749-7343).

Visitation Ministry

If you or someone you love are in need of a visit by someone on our visitation team, please call Pastor Peter (381-3970 x16). Holy Communion can also be brought to you, too. We pray God’s richest blessings to you and may His Spirit fill you with love and peace.